The Extended Log-Logistic Distribution: Properties and Application

نوع المستند : تجاریة کل ما یتعلق بالعلوم التجاریة


1 أكاديمية الشروق

2 قسم الإحصاء والرياضة والتأمين،کلية التجارة ، جامعة الزقازيق

3 قسم الإحصاءوالرياضة والتامين , كلية التجارة, جامعة بنها


In this article, we study a new extension of the log-logistic model called the Kumaraswamy alpha-power log-logistic (KAPLL) distribution, an extension of the log-logistic model. It investigates some of their mathematical and statistical properties, including reliability properties (survival function, hazard rate function (HRF), moments, quantile functions (QF), and moment-generating functions), emphasizing their utility in modeling diverse aging and failure criteria. One key advantage of the KAPLL distribution lies in its capacity to represent its density as a blend of log-logistic densities, offering both symmetric and asymmetric shapes for greater modeling flexibility. The estimation of KAPLL parameters is achieved through maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), a widely used statistical method. The study presents comprehensive simulation results to assess the effectiveness of the proposed estimation technique. Furthermore, a practical application on real-world data is conducted to showcase the adaptability and versatility of the KAPLL distribution when compared with other extensions of the log-logistic model.

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