The Impact of the Board of Directors’ Characteristics on the Financial Performance in the Banks Listed on The Egyptian Stock Exchange

نوع المستند : تجاریة کل ما یتعلق بالعلوم التجاریة


1 قسم الإدارة، كلية التكنولوجيا والتنمية، جامعة الزقازيق، مصر

2 قسم إدارة الأعمال، کلية التجارة جامعة الزقازيق، مصر

3 قسم الإدارة، کلية التکنولوجيا والتنمية، جامعة الزقازيق، مصر


This study aims to know the impact of the board of directors’ characteristics on the financial performance by applying to the 13 banks listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange from 2015 to 2019. The characteristics of the board of directors were determined in (board size, non-executive members, independent members, the duality of the CEO ,board meeting periodical, women's representation on the board), and the economic value added (EVA), market value added (MVA) were relied on as indicators for measuring the financial performance. Our finding reveal to : all the characteristics of the board of directors affect (EVA) except the representation of women in the board; we find a positive impact for non-executive members, independent members, board size, and duality of the CEO, but we find a negative impact for the periodical of meetings. Concerning the market value added measure (MVA) we find that all the characteristics of the board of directors affect MVA except independent members, and the representation of women in the board. We find a positive impact for non-executive members, the size of the board, and the periodical of board meetings. On the other hand, we find a negative impact for the duality of the CEO. For Tobin's Q scale, we find a negative impact for independent members, board size, board meeting periodical, duality of the CEO, and women's representation in the board at the lever of 1%. We find also a non-linear (quadratic) relationship for non-executive members which take the form of a U letter

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