Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of e-service quality dimensions on students’ behavior intention to use the e-learning services provided by the public universities in Egypt. Also, this paper is designed to evaluate the influence of the e-service quality dimensions on the students’ satisfaction with e-learning services provided by the public universities. In addition, the current research aims to test the mediating role of students’ satisfaction with e-learning between e-service quality dimensions and students behavior intention to use e-learning provided by public universities. Design/methodology/approach – This study is based on a questionnaire survey conducted in Egypt. Based on an extensive review of literature, the paper uses empirical research to analyze e-service quality of e-learning services provided by public universities in Egypt using the model applied by Headar et al., 2013 on the private universities. The model used in the study performed by Headar et al., 2013was a modified one of the SERVQUAL model in addition to the use of interactivity and student factors as additional factors which are considered as antecedents of students satisfaction with e-learning. Findings – Results based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) identify some factors that influence students’ behavioral intension to use e-learning services. These factors are Privacy, Responsiveness, Efficiency, System Availability, Contact, and Fulfillment. Other factors have an insignificant impact on students’ behavioral intension to use e-learning services. Also, it was found that there is a full significant mediation role of satisfaction with e-learning in the e-service-behavioral intension link. Practical implications – The findings are important to enable managers to have a better understanding of students’ perception of service quality of e-learning services and consequently of how to improve their satisfaction with respect to aspects of e-service quality and in turn improve their behavioral intension to use e-learning. Research limitations– The primary limitation of this study is the scope of its sample. Also, the study is a simulation study to that done by Headar et al., 2013 which uses specific service quality factors, while there may be other factors influencing students’ behavioral intension to use e-learning.
. (2017). Students Satisfactions with E-Learning Mediating the E-Service Quality-Behavioral Intention Link: The Case of Public Universities in Egypt. مجلة البحوث التجارية, 39(2), 3-45. doi: 10.21608/zcom.2021.148240
. "Students Satisfactions with E-Learning Mediating the E-Service Quality-Behavioral Intention Link: The Case of Public Universities in Egypt", مجلة البحوث التجارية, 39, 2, 2017, 3-45. doi: 10.21608/zcom.2021.148240
. (2017). 'Students Satisfactions with E-Learning Mediating the E-Service Quality-Behavioral Intention Link: The Case of Public Universities in Egypt', مجلة البحوث التجارية, 39(2), pp. 3-45. doi: 10.21608/zcom.2021.148240
. Students Satisfactions with E-Learning Mediating the E-Service Quality-Behavioral Intention Link: The Case of Public Universities in Egypt. مجلة البحوث التجارية, 2017; 39(2): 3-45. doi: 10.21608/zcom.2021.148240